For the business owner whose Instagram Saved folder is overflowing with free marketing tips…


We Don't Know Her .

Get started with a Business Intensive today and get a detailed,

step-by-step roadmap to level up your business!

I know what you’re thinking…

Your business is your baby, and you know it inside and out. What could I possible do that you haven’t already tried?

You started your business because you love what you do...

not because you love to market what you do.

You’ve put your heart and soul into your business.

You’ve invested time and money to put your idea out into the world.

But if you don’t get the strategy piece right, what’s the point?


start to rise up and get in the way

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of time, of money, of knowledge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam


and that you have been there

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hint at the fact that


the secret...

...the solution, the result of all this pain and suffering, and now...

you are on a mission to help others


Use this area to tell your story. Talk about your failure when you first started looking for a solution. Maybe there was a conspiracy against you, a false belief, a misunderstanding.

Show how the traditional methods didn't work and you were super frustrated.

Then, you had an ah-ha moment that brought you the result, benefit, solution you were looking for.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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Ask them to imagine what life will be like when they too have the success you have?


The Business intensive

a personalized strategy session to turn your ideas into profits

My job as a Certified Master Marketer is to help you, the business owner,

get your ideas out into the world.

How amazing will it be when your vision comes to life and you have a

strategically designed offer suite and sales funnel?

*Clinks champagne glasses*



Before The Intensive

This is where I take a deep dive into your business. In this phase, you will fill out a detailed questionnaire about your business and I will do all the research necessary to create a plan and strategy for your business goals.


The Intensive

We will meet over Zoom for two hours to conduct the session. I will help you work through your ideal client, your value ladder, your offer strategy and pricing, and anything else we need to cover to address your goals. We will use a strategic planning worksheet to address gaps in your offers and marketing. 


After The Intensive

Within one week of our session, I will send you a report covering everything we discussed. The Intensive Report will include suggestions for next steps and a detailed plan for your business. This report will show you the ways I can further help you with your sales funnels, or enable you to implement the plans yourself. 


how can you drive home the results more?


get as specific as possible


A Side-Effect Benefit

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod

velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra.

Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id,

molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse

platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros


A Side-Effect Benefit

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod

velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra.

Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id,

molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse

platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros


Easier, lighter, happier, better things will be when this solution is placed into their lives.

here's where you introduce benefits


Named Bonus Here

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque.


Named Bonus Here

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque.


Named Bonus Here

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque.

call-to-action to finally buy


with a powerful tagline that gets them excited

First Piece Of The Offer

Second Piece Of The Offer

Third Piece Of The Offer

Fourth Piece Of The Offer

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

First Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus

Second Piece Of The Bonus

Third Piece Of The Bonus

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Regular Price = $997

Today's Price = $297


This is an incredible testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection, and this is the main point of the testimonial.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.

Still Not Convinced?

If you're not satisfied, you get your money back. Period.

If you go through the Business Intensive with me and you don’t feel as though I’ve given 150% of my expertise to your project, you deserve your money back.

If you are unhappy with the detailed plan I provide for you to help you get unstuck in your business, I will issue you a refund - no questions asked

Simply send me an email at [email protected], and I’ll refund your money right away.



This is an incredible testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection, and this is the main point of the testimonial.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.


This is an incredible testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection, and this is the main point of the testimonial.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.


This is an incredible testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection, and this is the main point of the testimonial.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.

summarize what sort of


happened because of your offer

List out examples that helps your prospect see themselves after they’ve used your product. Help them to see the Cause and Effect your offer can have on their lives.


 I cannot predict and DO NOT guarantee that you will reach a specific revenue goal.

 Each client’s results are based on many different factors, and I am just one piece of the puzzle.

 I cannot guarantee specific outcomes or results based on my services.

Get started today

LIMITED sessions


Because I immerse myself in your business and treat it as if it’s my own, I can only take on a small number of clients each month.

In order to ensure you get one of the Business Intensive openings, make sure you apply today!

When you’re ready, all you need to do is fill out a short form and book a 15-minute call to make sure we’ll be a great fit. 

Don’t waste your precious time trying to piece everything together yourself.


Focus on the parts of your business that you love doing,

while I help you create a solid strategy to sell your expertise.

First Piece Of The Offer

Second Piece Of The Offer

Third Piece Of The Offer

Fourth Piece Of The Offer

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

First Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus

Second Piece Of The Bonus

Third Piece Of The Bonus

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Regular Price = $997

Today's Price = $297


This is an incredible testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection, and this is the main point of the testimonial.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.


I don’t have a very large social media following. Can you still help me? 

Yes, we’ll discuss strategies for building your email list and growing a customer base to sell your offers to. 

I have so many ideas and lots of different offers. I’m worried you’ll want to squash my creativity. 

I can help you organize all of those ideas and offers into a Value Ladder that makes sense for your business and your customers. This will give you space to focus your energy and make each offer amazing. 

I already have a signature offer but it’s not making consistent sales. What will you do that I haven’t already tried?

During the Business Intensive session, we will comb through your current offers and make them irresistible to your customer. We will develop your Unique Selling Proposition and decide which offer type will work best.

I’ve got a great idea for a business, but I haven’t started anything yet. Can you help me get off the ground? 

I sure can! I love helping an entrepreneur with a fabulous idea turn their passion into a business. We will use your Business Intensive session to get you started on the right foot and make a strategic plan for introducing your business to the world. 

Does the Business Intensive include any implementation or funnel building?

The Business Intensive is a strategy-based session. We will hash out all kinds of details and come up with a solid plan for your business, but the session does not include any implementation. You’ll have a chance to continue working with me if you choose, but you are also able to take the plan we create together and implement it yourself or pass it off to a Virtual Assistant. 

Do you offer any support after the Intensive session is complete? 

Yes. You will receive a detailed report within one week of the session. From the time you receive your report, you have two weeks of email access to me in case you have any questions come up as you review your report. 

 Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely! I’m confident you will be thrilled with the Business Intensive session. If you are unhappy with the detailed plan I provide for you to help you get unstuck in your business, I will issue you a refund - no questions asked! Simply send me an email at [email protected], and I’ll refund your money right away.

And now comes the exciting part!

Get Your Step-by-Step Roadmap to the Future of Your Business

You will have a value ladder of offers that brings customers in and keeps them coming back for more. You'll gain clarity on your offers to make them irresistible to buyers.

Most importantly, you'll have a plan. No more overwhelm. No more guessing.

Now Booking! Only a few spots available each month -- apply today!

call-to-action to finally buy


with a powerful tagline that gets them excited

First Piece Of The Offer

Second Piece Of The Offer

Third Piece Of The Offer

Fourth Piece Of The Offer

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

First Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus (Value $497)

First Piece Of The Bonus

Second Piece Of The Bonus

Third Piece Of The Bonus

Fourth Piece Of The Bonus

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

(Value $497)

TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Regular Price = $997

Today's Price = $297 - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy